
Safety Culture - Culture for safety
Do you know why accidents happen in your company? Can you control your company’s risks?

Human behaviour & cyber security
Human behaviour and maintaining a cyber security mindset

Commercial Pressure
When the management and crew are aware of commercial pressure the risks of an operation are monitored and constantly kept under control, which enables the shipping company to make sustainable and long-term profits.

Knowledge based procedure
To avoid incidents, seafarers need to apply their knowledge and act with awareness.

How habits are made
Without motivation, kicking old habits and adopting new ones can be extremely difficult. This is why we want to provide a motivational road map for getting you where you want to be.

Useful pointers for the management
In these unprecedented times, it is important for the management to act proactively in order to ensure the safety and health of the employees, both shipboard and shore side.

Communication about mental health
Effective communication is important, but it is likewise important that we dare to discuss sensitive subjects. One subject we should communicate more about is seafarers' mental health.

Antonovsky’s SOC onboard
Comprehensibility - manageability - meaningfullness
Trauma in shipping – webinar 1
To learn more about the effects of trauma experienced at sea from industry and clinical perspectives, Alandia organised a workshop on trauma in shipping in conjunction with Seaways Psychology Services.
Trauma in Shipping - Next Steps webinar
Q&A with panel in the Trauma in Shipping: Next step webinar
Survey – Trauma in shipping
The survey asked participants to comment on their experience of critical incidents at sea, the impact of such incidents on participants, and whether they needed and could access support at the time.

Heading for change - Trauma at sea
We want to spread knowledge about what trauma is and how we can deal with it in the best way.

Heading for change - Maritime Education
In this episode, we examine how maritime students prepare for life at sea.

Heading for change - gender equality at sea
To get an insider’s view on things, we invited Malin Andersson to join us.

Heading for change - voices from the maritime industry
We welcome Lena Göthberg who launched the Shipping Podcast, in 2015. Since then, her maritime podcast has gained a steadily growing audience.

Heading for change to safety culture
The culture in a shipping organisation is also about how you prioritise safety and if you encourage learning and development.

Heading to change to prevent fatigue
This is a special episode with Doctor Claire Pekcan, the Director of Safe Marine that specialise in safety culture within the marine industry.

Heading for change to crew wellbeing
An interview with Dr. Cecilia Österman, a well-known Researcher and lecturer in sustainable working life.
Forum - Webinar - Seminar

Trauma in shipping – webinar 1
To learn more about the effects of trauma experienced at sea from industry and clinical perspectives, Alandia organised a workshop on trauma in shipping in conjunction with Seaways Psychology Services.

Trauma in Shipping - Next Steps webinar
Q&A with panel in the Trauma in Shipping: Next step webinar

Survey – Trauma in shipping
The survey asked participants to comment on their experience of critical incidents at sea, the impact of such incidents on participants, and whether they needed and could access support at the time.

Mental health webinar
Mental health has a significant impact on the shipping industry. It affects crews' motivation and performance. Poor mental health increases the risks in vessel operations.