Alandia Försäkring Abp, with business identity code 0145065-2, has been granted a concession Finland. Alandia’s operations are monitored by the Finnish Financial Supervisory authority, and the Data Ombudsman’s Office. In the case of cross-border trade, Alandia’s operations may be monitored by other supervisory authorities, e.g. in Sweden by Finansinspektionen.

Privacy notice
The purpose of the Privacy policy is to inform individuals about how Alandia in general processes and protects personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable local privacy legislation.

Cookie policy
Alandia use so-called “Cookies”. These are both session cookies and persistent cookies.

Terms of use
The content of this website is published by Alandia Insurance. Use of Alandia Insurance’s website is regulated by these terms of use, and it is presupposed that the user will approve these terms of use, thus we recommend that you familiarise yourself with them before using our website.

Not satisfied
As an insured party or person seeking compensation you have at your disposal various means of getting a decision revised.

Accessibility statement
This website is subjected to the law of Provision of digital services. For those websites that exercise authority accessibility should be made available, meaning they have to offer equal possibilities of use for everyone.

If you are an employee, service provider, or board member and suspect any violations or unethical behavior, we encourage you to report your suspicions using the external reporting tool provided by &Frankly
We want to hear your opinion
We value your satisfaction as a customer of our services, and we are committed to ensuring that you receive the best possible care from us. If you have any concerns or questions regarding your case, we advise you to first contact the person handling your matter. In the event that you disagree with a decision made about an insurance claim, please refer to the appeal instructions included with the decision. The contact details of the claims handler are available in the decision.
For all other inquiries, you are welcome to submit a complaint by filling out the form below or by sending the complaint via email to
If you provide your contact information, you will be informed of the handling of your complaint. We aim to provide a written response within 14 days.