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Published: 2023-10-26

Podcast #33: Heading for change – Electric Vehicle Fires on RoRo/RoPax Vessels

In this podcast episode we are grateful to be joined by Lena Brandt from DFDS to discuss a topic currently in the spotlight across the industry – EV fires! 
Lena B

Lena impresses us not only with her expertise and professionalism, but with her witty character and interesting background! A qualified Master Mariner, Lena works shifts onboard RoPax vessels as a Deck Officer but also shoreside as a Project Manager, bridging the gap between the ship and the shore organisation and achieving a valuable dual perspective. She has taken part in both the LASH FIRE and ELBAS projects and is currently training the DFDS fleet in the use of upgraded firefighting equipment for electric car fires.

LASH FIRE is an international project investigating fires on ro-ro ships with the aim to reduce the risk of occurrence and damage. With a variety of relevant work packages and a consortium of 27 research and industry partners from 13 EU member states, this is a prominent research project generating evidence-based knowledge. Please visit the LASH FIRE webpage for an abundance of user-friendly information and videos:

LASH FIRE link >>


The ELBAS project (Electric Vehicle Fires at Sea: New Technologies and Methods for Suppression, Containment, and Extinguishing of Battery Car Fires Onboard Ships) run by DBI was created to develop holistic fire safety strategies for EV battery fires on ferries. You can read the full report here:

ELBAS link >>


In this podcast we ask Lena to share her knowledge on EV fires and do some straightforward no-nonsense myth-busting! Do you want to know about effective drills, equipment, and what misconceptions lead us to jump to conclusions? Do you want to know about the challenges that we face and what the worst-case scenario might be? Then click play now and listen in!

Podcast Chapter Markers
1:20  Introduction to Lena
7:10  Theory vs practical implementation
12:21  Lena’s involvement in the LASH FIRE project
14:19  What is LASH FIRE?
16:29  Lena’s approach to understanding EV fires
20:46  How does the maritime industry view EV’s?
23:30  3 EV myths busted!
25:43  What is the worst-case scenario?
28:38  Has training been recieved positively?
33:05  What does the future look like?



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