Liv-Alandia has changed name to Alandia Konsolidering Ab
Försäkringsaktiebolaget Liv-Alandia transferred its whole life insurance portfolio to Aktia Livförsäkring Ab on May 31, 2020. Consequently, Liv-Alandia recalled its authorisation from the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority to conduct insurance business. The company name was changed on November 11, 2020 to Alandia Konsolidering Ab and the company’s remaining sole purpose is to manage its investment assets.
Alandia Försäkring Abp and the wholly owned subsidiary Alandia Konsolidering Ab, have approved a plan for merging the two companies in order to create a simpler company structure and to eliminate overlapping activities. The merger is planned to be completed on January 31, 2021. As a result of the merger, Alandia Försäkring Abp will acquire all assets, rights and liabilities of Alandia Konsolidering Ab. The merger has been approved by the Financial Supervisory Authority in Finland.
The Finnish Patent and Registration Office has yet to approve of the changes.
In practice, the merger will not affect our customers’ insurances or services at Alandia Försäkring Abp. The changes will neither affect our business partners or our suppliers. As before, we will continue to work for our customer’s benefit!
Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours faithfully,
Tony Karlström