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Alandia plans to sell its Statutory Accident and Patient Insurance portfolio to LähiTapiola

Alandia entrance

Press release
December 2, 2021 at 10:00 am

Alandia plans to sell its Statutory Accident and Patient Insurance portfolio to LähiTapiola

Alandia has signed a letter of intent with LähiTapiola to sell its Statutory Accident and Patient Insurance Portfolio together with the customer relationships to LähiTapiola. The transaction does not involve any changes to the insurance coverage of the customers concerned and requires no action from the customers. For the transaction to be completed, approval is required from the Financial Supervisory Authority and both parties’ general meetings.

The date of entry into force of the transaction is intended to take place on 1 July 2022. The Alandia Statutory Accident and Patient Insurance portfolio personnel will be transferred as old employees and will become LähiTapiola’s employees starting from the same date.

“We are very pleased to have signed a letter of intent with LähiTapiola regarding the sale of our Statutory Accident and Patient Insurance portfolio. Already early in the sales process, LähiTapiola emphasized the importance of a smooth transition for both customers and personnel. We have had a good collaboration with LähiTapiola before, when we sold our Personal Accident and Travel Insurance portfolio to them. In the previous transfer, LähiTapiola took responsibility for both customers and personnel in an exemplary manner. The sale of Alandia Statutory Accident and Patient Insurance portfolio is a continuation of our strategy to become a pure marine insurance company with the vision of becoming a leading European marine insurance specialist”, says Alandia’s CEO Tony Karlström.

LähiTapiola is a customer-owned financial group that sells insurance services. The LähiTapiola Group’s products and services include non-life, life and pension insurance, investment, and savings services. LähiTapiola serves its customers locally in Swedish and Finnish.

“LähiTapiola serves corporate customers locally throughout Finland, and through the acquisition of Alandia’s Statutory Accident and Patient Insurance portfolio, we are strengthening our position on the Åland Islands. After the acquisition, we can serve Åland Islands’ corporate customers more comprehensively than before through our wide product range, our geographical coverage and our extensive network of experts and partners”, says LähiTapiola’s Business Director Juho Vilokki.


More information to the media:

Tony Karlström, CEO
+358 40 509 4874

Alandia is an insurance company with focus on Marine, Cargo and Pleasure Craft insurance. With over 80 years of experience Alandia provides superior marine insurance expertise and claims service to its customers by creating long-term relationships in a committed and accountable way. Headquartered in Aland islands and with offices in Helsinki, Stockholm and Gothenburg Alandia employs approximately 115 professionals.

Juho Vilokki, Business Director
Statutory Personal Insurance Services, LähiTapiola Vahinkovakuutus
+358 50 535 5826

Olemme asiakkaidemme omistama elämänturvayhtiö ja palvelemme henkilö-, maatila-, yrittäjä-, yritys- ja yhteisöasiakkaita. Huolehdimme, että asiakkaillamme on oikea ja riittävä terveyden, talouden ja omaisuuden turva.
LähiTapiolan-ryhmän tuotteet ja palvelut kattavat vahinko-, henki- ja eläkevakuuttamisen, sijoittamisen ja säästämisen palvelut. Olemme myös yritysten riskienhallinnan ja henkilöstön työhyvinvoinnin arvostettu ammattilainen. Palvelumme on aidosti välittävää sekä henkilökohtaista, digitaalista, paikallista ja vastuullista kaikkialla Suomessa.
Lue tuoreimmat uutiset ja artikkelimme:

Lukas Augustsson
Service Manager, LähiTapiola Etelärannikko/Ahvenanmaa
+ 358 40 505 3057

LähiTapiola Etelärannikko alueyhtiö toimii Länsi-Uudenmaan, Turunmaan ja Ahvenanmaan talousalueilla. Yhtiö työllistää noin 40 henkilöä 8 paikkakunnalla ja palvelee noin 30 000 asiakasta. Toimintamallissa korostuu aidosti toimiva kaksikielisyys ja erinomainen paikallinen palvelu. Ahvenanmaalla LähiTapiolalla on noin 10 000 asiakasta.